You’ve successfully navigated the world of estate agents and solicitors, and now you finally have the keys to your new home. So what next?

Perhaps the most important thing you need to do is to make sure your new home is secure. According to Home Office, you are almost twice as likely to be burgled in the 12 months after moving house compared with the average burglary rate. But by taking a few simple steps, you could reduce the risk.


Firstly, unless you have bought a new build, change the locks on all the windows and doors.

Opportunist burglars are often put off simply by the sight of windows with key-operated locks. However, remember to hide the keys out of sight and in an area where the burglar can’t reach if the glass is broken. The best locks are those that are secured to the frame of the window rather than the handle.

Doors should be fitted with a five-lever mortise deadlock that is tested to BS 3621 standard. If you’re getting new doors, the safest option is to choose door sets that are Pas 24 certified. You should also consider fitting a chain or a latch.

Security alarms

Having a burglar alarm dramatically cuts the risk of you being targeted by thieves and could lower your insurance.

There are a number of different alarms to choose from including bells-only alarms, dialler burglar alarms and monitored alarms systems.

Depending on your budget, property specifications and security needs, you also need to decide whether you want a wireless alarm or a wired system. Both types of alarms have their advantages and disadvantages and you can read more about that here.

CCTV and smart security cameras

Consider installing CCTV. You could get a standalone system, but often it’s more effective to purchase one that comes combined with an alarm system.

You could also invest in smart security cameras that are able to identify visitors, record footage and send alerts to your phone or tablet so that you know exactly who is behind your door.

You have the option of choosing either indoor or outdoor camera. Outdoor cameras are more durable but can be tougher to install.

Security lights

It’s a good idea to get motion sensor light fitted outside your home to shine a spotlight on areas where thieves may lurk, such as behind the bin store or near a shed.

Around 39pc off homeowners have timers the turn indoor lights on and off when they’re away from home. They are relatively cheap and could offer you peace of mind when you’re away from your property while on holiday.

Secure the exterior

Step into the shoes of a burglar. Is there anywhere outside your home that would be an ideal place to hide, such as behind a tall plant? If so, consider trimming it.

Get rid of any ladders that are lying around outside and trim down tree that are near windows, or make sure those windows have extra reinforcement. Lock your shed and hide away expensive garden equipment.
